This month’s featured selection from the Reflections archives
Gift of Ministry
Sometimes people feel that to become a minister, we need academic training provided by the theological colleges. They do provide outward knowledge such as historical events that occur in Church History in addition to writing a prepared sermon that speaks of God. But as God revealed to George Fox “that being bred at Oxford or Cambridge was not enough to fit and qualify men (women) to be ministers of Christ”.
As the Apostle John illustrated, it is the anointing within that teaches us Jesus’ Truth. But we need to be willing to receive God’s proclamation inwardly. Small wonder that Friends wait on the Lord to discern God’s everlasting ministry. This Truth spoken by the Lord is sent into our hearts for us to discern God’s wisdom. Otherwise we utilize our own knowledge to differentiate between right from wrong.
But we need to pray to our heavenly Father for spiritual understanding. When, as a result of our praying and waiting, Christ in His everlasting mercy, does reveal God’s Truth into our craving hearts. We will become acquainted with and live in, our creator’s will. Through the Lord’s intervention, we will begin to comprehend God’s intentions for the human race.
Likewise, it is the Lord who reveals the power of evil within us. Universities might teach us concepts of right from wrong – and often we justify our participation in Satan’s work through adhering to our outward conceptions. God, though, enables individuals to feel the inward evil. This helps us strive for Jesus’ goodness.
Those of us who strive to be ministers of the everlasting gospel – the Lord’s Truth – must not only be cognizant about the Lord’s inward message but, equally important, need to understand God’s workings in other individuals. Again universities might teach concepts of relationships but God’s power enables His followers to discern His activity in other humans encouraging them to see Jesus’ all embracing love. Of course we need to witness to our devotion to the Almighty before we can influence our Friends to seek Jesus’ guidance. It is because the Lord sends His anointing we can determine that our good Lord continues to communicate.
When we become ministers in Christ, God gives us the power of eldership meaning we are able to challenge our fellow beings who are exhibiting ungodly behavior. More likely that not, individuals who have not received God’s anointing are hurting themselves more than other humans. No wonder, when we have been faithful, God affords us the ministry to be given to the disobedient with the faith that our Friends will become part of the body of Christ.
To put it succinctly, God in His ministry to George Fox taught him true eldership. Fox, therefore, did not encourage his friends to attend universities to live in the gospel. Rather our good Lord revealed the goodness of the anointing within for Friends to receive. And it is Christ Jesus who enlightens us in God’s grace.
May God continue to guide us as we open ourselves to His Kingdom.
Arthur Berk, 12-23-2010